Farewell Weekend


























Farewell Weekend

Farewell weekend is the last event for inbound students and also their last chance to spend some time together. It takes place in Valtice, Moravia region in Czechia, known for cultural and natural monuments and vineyards.

Students come to Valtice on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday we go sightseeing to Valtice Chateau, its gardens and Frog cellar, where students get to see historical torturing tools. After lunch we keep walking up to Reistna and visit an Iron Curtain museum. We play sport games like volleyball and soccer in the evening.

On Friday we have an all day long bike trip though Lednice-Valtice cultural landscape. We stop at the Temple of Three Graces and have an evening program there. After that we return back to the accommodation.

On Saturday morning we ride a bus to river Morava, where students are given paddles and life jackets and are divided into groups on rafts. While rafting, we stop and swim a lot during the day. The river is surrounded by beautiful countryside. We raft until late afternoon and then have dinner during a boat ride. Last night there is a closing ceremony, where we say our goodbyes and celebrate together. Students leave home to their host families after breakfast on Sunday. This event is a voluntary meeting and is paid by Rotary andpartiallyby the participants, too. 


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