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First week in Czechia as an Australian Student

While I’ve only been here a little over a week, it’s been super busy, I’ve done a lot of cool stuff.
Seeing snow out the window as the plane landed in Prague really let it sink in properly that I’ve made it, I’m here, this is it. The drive home to Prostějov in the sunset, fog, and snow was magical.
During my first couple of days here I walked around the historic town center, went to my first rotary meeting (and met another inbound here), registered with the police in nearby Olomouc, and started school.

One Month Away

From hiking through lush green mountains to exploring century-old castles and ruins, my time here in Slovakia has been quite the thrill. I have seen and experienced so much, yet there is still so much more to see. My bucket list is far from complete, but so is my time here.

First Meeting

It was an amazing weekend! Almost a month had passed since my arrival, and I still hadn’t met anyone, except for another exchange student in the same club as me. After all those days of adjusting, attending classes, and gaining new experiences, the moment finally came.

A Month in: The Beginning of My Exchange

While most 16-year-old girls spend high school in familiar surroundings, I chose a different path-one that led me to a new country as an exchange student. I chose to become an exchange student for many reasons, but one key reason was to explore the world while I’m still young.

The first month in Slovakia

The campus life is also very exciting, there are no problems of adaptation, although I don’t understand the language, but I am also studying hard. My classmates were very friendly and would translate into English for me when I didn’t understand to help me understand. They also shared tongue twisters and jokes in their language with me, which was super funny.
My Vvillage (Topolná) which is located inin the Moravian area, participates in this tradition. A lot of the people dress up in the traditional Kroje and prepare pastries, as well as Slivovice and wine. The purpose of the festival in my village is to celebrate the end of the season where all the hard work is done. A group of young adults prepare dances and are the ones that normally dress up in full kroje.

A Foreigner’s View on ‘Hody’

Hody refers to the traditional festival or feast that is specific to villages in Moravia. It usually involves people of the village dressing up in traditional costumes called ‘kroje’. The festivals include traditional Folk dancing and music. Hody festivals are a way of preserving regional customs and promoting community spirit. The dates and specific traditions can vary depending on the region.
My Vvillage (Topolná) which is located inin the Moravian area, participates in this tradition. A lot of the people dress up in the traditional Kroje and prepare pastries, as well as Slivovice and wine. The purpose of the festival in my village is to celebrate the end of the season where all the hard work is done. A group of young adults prepare dances and are the ones that normally dress up in full kroje.

Skiweek 2024: Building Friendships on the Slopes

In the heart of the beautiful, snow-covered High Tatras, at the Tatranská Lomnica ski resort, an extraordinary meeting for exchange students took place from February 25th to March 2nd, 2024. This skiing training organized by Rotary District 2240 was supevised by Rotarian Ondrej Kollár, with the assistance of three former exchange students – Rotex members. It was attended by 34 exchange students from various corners of the world, spending their exchange period in our district.

Rotary meeting and spring vacation

I recently met a couple milestones in my exchange. Firstly, I have now lived in the Czech Republic for over 5 months, which makes me about halfway through my exchange! While I am a little sad about how quickly it has gone by, I am also quite proud of how far I have come.

Winter Meeting in Třebíč

On January 26th, 6 exchange students and I left the Ostrava-Svinov train station towards Třebíc, a small city but full of history. We left in the early afternoon and went to Brno, our connection. The trip to Brno was wonderful, it was a peaceful 2 hours and very well spent.

Catching up – Part 2

As a general rule, I haven’t said no to any activities recently (except for time reasons, of course), and this has paid off in several ways. I’ve experienced many wonderful moments that I won’t be forgetting any time soon and found a new hobby.

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