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Winter Třebíč
January 24 4:00 PM - January 26 11:00 AM
Compulsory event for all inbounds in Czechia and Slovakia
Event paid by the Rotary
Preliminary program
Friday – arrival, dinner, language test.
Saturday – tour of Třebíč, lunch, bowling, dinner, talent show.
Sunday – departure.
Catching up – Part 2
As a general rule, I haven’t said no to any activities recently (except for time reasons, of course), and this has paid off in several ways. I’ve experienced many wonderful moments that I won’t be forgetting any time soon and found a new hobby.
Skiweek 2024: Building Friendships on the Slopes
In the heart of the beautiful, snow-covered High Tatras, at the Tatranská Lomnica ski resort, an extraordinary meeting for exchange students took place from February 25th to March 2nd, 2024. This skiing training organized by Rotary District 2240 was supevised by Rotarian Ondrej Kollár, with the assistance of three former exchange students – Rotex members. It was attended by 34 exchange students from various corners of the world, spending their exchange period in our district.
Winter Meeting in Třebíč
On January 26th, 6 exchange students and I left the Ostrava-Svinov train station towards Třebíc, a small city but full of history. We left in the early afternoon and went to Brno, our connection. The trip to Brno was wonderful, it was a peaceful 2 hours and very well spent.
The Třebič super meeting
The next day though, was amazing. We went out, visited a few places in the city, then we went bowling, which was super fun, and hilarious, specially because of the fact that I got 11 points in total, probably being the worst out of all exchange students🤩. But we played and laughed a lot and it was super fun.
Winter Třebíč
I really loved this day, the atmosphere was always great! Whether it was at the bowling alley, at the show, or even between the streets of the city, everyone was cheering, singing, dancing, laughing It was really incredible! To conclude, it was a great weekend, and I can’t wait to see them all again in March during our ski week!
It’s hard to believe that we are already about 7 months into our exchange year. But with the months progressing comes more rotary trips. And that includes Ski Week! Inbounds from across the district traveled to Ždiar, High Tatras in Slovakia for a week of skiing and fun. Overall, I have to say, this was definitely the best Rotary event I have experienced so far. I had an amazing time spending time and catching up with my friends and skiing with them. Even though it was cut a bit short, it was an unforgettable experience...
Winter Orientation
Thanksgiving was my first major holiday away from home and I wanted to do something for it. I also saw it as an opportunity to give my host family a new experience. The best way I could do this was to make a Thanksgiving dinner. When I proposed the idea to my host parents they said that it was a great idea. The whole experience was amazing and crazy. We did something that very few people if any have ever done for Thanksgiving...
Previously On… Emelia’s Life
Back in November, the Martin Rotary Club organized a Thanksgiving dinner for their families, friends, and nearby Rotarians and exchange students from other clubs. As per tradition, I was made the "face" of this event as the American exchange student...
Winter meeting in Poprad – Tatras
The next day, we took a train up to Štrbské Pleso and hiked for about two hours before we reached our first spot. On the way, we saw beautiful views of the mountains and the ski slopes off to the side. At our first pit stop, we took lots of pictures and enjoyed the view of the frozen lake....
Winter Meeting in Poprad 2019
Students from countries all over the world met at the train station in Poprad on January 18, 2019 to start their winter Rotary weekend meeting.
Saturday was devoted to a hike to a mountain lake Popradské pleso, where the students could share their recent experiences and snowballs. At Popradské pleso all of them took out their flags as a photo with all the flags in always a must.
They were taken to Starý Smokovec by an electric train, where they had lunch to recharge their batteries to be fully ready to climb up to Hrebienok. At the top of Hrebienok they admired ice sculptures and later in the day they enjoyed a sledge ride down the mountain.
in the evening everybody enjoyed a talent show which included playing the violoncello, saxophone or a light show. Later on everybody enjoyed dancing and singing, however in the morning there was time to say good bye till they could meet again.
Saturday was devoted to a hike to a mountain lake Popradské pleso, where the students could share their recent experiences and snowballs. At Popradské pleso all of them took out their flags as a photo with all the flags in always a must.
They were taken to Starý Smokovec by an electric train, where they had lunch to recharge their batteries to be fully ready to climb up to Hrebienok. At the top of Hrebienok they admired ice sculptures and later in the day they enjoyed a sledge ride down the mountain.
in the evening everybody enjoyed a talent show which included playing the violoncello, saxophone or a light show. Later on everybody enjoyed dancing and singing, however in the morning there was time to say good bye till they could meet again.
Winter Meeting in Třebíč 2019
A traditional winter Rotary meeting organized by the District Youth Exchange committee and Rotex with the support of Rotary club Třebíč took place at the end of January. The meeting started on January 25 when 47 exchange students from all the parts of Czechia gathered to officially kick of the weekend.
First, their progress in Czech had to be tested. Everybody was quite nervous, but in the end amazed at the improvement of all. In the meantime, the newcomers from Australia and South Africa were welcomed and they learned all they needed to successfully start their exchange year.
Saturday morning was devoted to sightseeing of Třebíč in the form of “city rallye”, followed by a badminton tournament and the day was concluded by a talent show and picking and practicing song for the upcoming district conference.
First, their progress in Czech had to be tested. Everybody was quite nervous, but in the end amazed at the improvement of all. In the meantime, the newcomers from Australia and South Africa were welcomed and they learned all they needed to successfully start their exchange year.
Saturday morning was devoted to sightseeing of Třebíč in the form of “city rallye”, followed by a badminton tournament and the day was concluded by a talent show and picking and practicing song for the upcoming district conference.
Winter Meeting in Třebíč 2016
Ve dnech 22. – 24. ledna 2016 uspořádal distriktní výbor výměny mládeže již tradiční setkání českých inboundů v Třebíči. Zúčastnilo se 35 studentů a náplní víkendu bylo především poznávání historických krás Třebíče a vzájemné sbližování všech. Páteční odpoledne bylo ve znamení příjezdů do hotelu, ubytování a následných jazykových…
Winter Meeting in Třebíč 2017
Mrazivé počasí, sport a zábava. To bylo hlavní náplní lednového meetingu pro české inboundy, který se stejně jako každý rok konal v Třebíči. Akci uspořádal Distriktní výbor Výměny mládeže za pomoci Rotexu a Rotary klubu Třebíč ve dnech 20. - 22. ledna 2017 a zúčastnilo se jí 42…
Winter Meeting in Tatranská Lomnica 2017
Na konci januára usporiadal Dištriktný výbor Výmeny mládeže dlho očakávaný meeting pre slovenských inboundov vo veľkolepých Tatrách, konkrétne v rozprávkovo zasneženej prírode, ktorú ponúka Tatranská Lomnica. Po príchode do rezortu, kde sme mali byť ubytovaní, prišli prvé vrúcne objatia a vítanie študentov zo všetkých kútov sveta. Bol…
Winter Meeting in Tatranská Lomnica 2018
12.1.-.14.1.2018 usporiadal Dištriktný výbor Výmeny mládeže zimný meeting pre slovenských inboundov v Poprade. Po príchode do hotela sme sa ubytovali a išli sme na večeru. Večer bol venovaný testovaniu - test pozostával z písomnej časti, počúvania s porozumením a ústnej časti. V sobotu nasledoval hlavný bod programu,…
Winter Meeting in Třebíč 2018
Stejně, jako každý rok jsme se vydali s výměnnými studenty do zasněžené Třebíče. Akce byla uspořádána Distriktním výborem Výměny mládeže za pomoci Rotexu a RC Třebíč ve dnech 19.-20.1. 2018, zúčastnilo se jí 35 studentů. V pátek jsme na hotel všichni dorazili v pozdních odpoledních hodinách. Po…
- Start:
- January 24 4:00 PM
- End:
- January 26 11:00 AM
- Cost:
- Free
- Event Categories:
- Inbounds, Inbounds Czechia
Karlovo nám. 5
Třebíč, Česká republika 67401 Czech Republic + Google Map - Phone
- +420 568 848 560
- View Venue Website
- org@rye2240.org