Before I left for my exchange I made a bucket list for myself with places I wanted to visit in the Czech Republic. My list included the goal to visit five Czech castles. Two weeks into my exchange I visited, let alone, four and now, after six months here, I have visited several more castles. There are so many beautiful castles in the Czech Republic, I was truly blown away by them.  

The first castle that I saw was Hluboká, an extraordinary castle first built in the 13th century. I had seen pictures of the castle beforehand but none quite did the castle justice. The scale and grandeur of Hluboká in person was amazing and the view from the tower was incredible. The next castle I saw was Český Krumlov, which dates back to the 12th century. The USA has few buildings predating the 15th century and I loved seeing such old historical buildings in person.  

After these two it was hard to compete. I visited two chateaus, Telč Chateau and Chateau Dačice, which are not technically castles but still incredible. And I certainly loved the bold color choice of the castle in Dačice, which was painted a vibrant teal. The Telč Chateau is known for its Renaissance styled hallway, with impressive golden chandeliers and intricate wood paneled carvings lining the ceiling.  


In my host district town there is also a relatively small castle; Hněvín castle. From the top of the castle tower you are able to overlook the city of Most. The castle is not quite as impressive as Hluboká or Český Krumlov but the view is quite spectacular.  


I have also been to Prague to see the infamous Prague castle. Prague castle is the largest historical castle in the world, with an area totaling 753,473 square feet, and it certainly lived up to its grandness. I have managed to see the castle multiple times and I have never not seen it flooded with people. It is a must see for foreigners as well as new exchange students. 

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