今天星期日一早,home家就跟我說他們要去教會,斯洛伐克最主要的宗教是天主教,我也去了生平第一次的天主教教堂,home家帶我去的是比較新的教堂,好像是因為他們剛辦完兒童夏令營,很多穿著像小丑、公主、士兵等等戲服的人負責讀經等等,而小朋友也組成了兒童詩班,天主教有很多跟基督教很不一樣的部分,就算我聽不懂他們聚會的內容,我可以從一些行為中發掘,例如沾聖水,還有他們只在午餐的時候會禱告(他們也不一定禱告,只有在他們記得的時候),聚會會要向 神跪拜之類的,我覺得這是個很特別的體驗。

In this morning, my host family told me they will go to the church. Most people believe in Catholicism. This is my first time to go to catholic church. Because there was a summer camp for children in this week. There were plenty of people wore special clothes to read the Bible and so on. The children also formed the choir to lead people sing the songs. Although I couldn’t understand what they were talking about, I still could know there is a large amount of difference between Catholic and Protestant. For instant, dipping the holy water, they only praying in the lunch time and so forth. I think it was a great experience.


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