The first week… In a different country, alone, with people you’ve never met, not knowing any of the language, at the age of 15. Seems like a struggle. And it can be, at times.
As I left the plane and entered a new world, I took a big breath and said to myself, “You’ve got this”. I was quite nervous to meet my new family. But the second I saw them, I knew it was going to be ok. I gave them hugs and admired the fact they were willingly giving up their home, and a year for me. As we drove away from the airport in Prague, the landscape seemed to be quite similar. Horizons of fields, trees, hills and green. The countryside of Czech Republic. It was beautiful, just like home. The first day was a lot of tasting new foods, meeting new people, and seeing new things.
A typical Exchange student rule
The first 7 days had gone by fast. I saw sights that had gave me a good feeling. The feeling that I know my dreams are coming true. I met new people every day. Although all I could say was “Dobry den!” – Good day in Czech – It was still interesting to hear them speak in an entirely different language that to me, sounded like gibberish. So I’ve learned to laugh when someone else laughs, and smile and nod. A typical exchange student rule.
To put it all together in a short paragraph, I went to 3 different cities, very good tours of each, I saw an opera performance for the first time, experienced the bus life, went on a nice countryside bike ride, camped out and celebrated a 50th birthday, baked and cooked Czech meals, tried some delicious desserts, and hung out with new friends! It was all so so amazing! Then came day 7.
Day 7
Day 7, the last day to the first week, the day before my birthday, 5 days before School. A lot going through my mind. As I woke up to the sun peeking its way through my half closed blinds, I was ready for the day. Unfortunately I had gotten a headache. Later in the morning Mamka (my host mom) had came home and we ate lunch and baked a cake. It smelled so delicious.
My headache was getting worse so I decided to lay down. My plan was to go shopping and exercise with Mamka but instead I stayed home to feel better. And during that time I started to get a little homesick, which it is known that when you are sick in general you just wish you were home. Which together equals, homesick. So I decided to sleep it off. And when I woke up, its like God had healed me in just a few hours. My feelings had changed.
I realized a lot. I was too caught up in my life at home. Always checking up on social media, watching Netflix, instead of studying more of the language. Although this only happened at night, because I was occupied with lots of things during the day, it still was a distraction. And it was time to move on. I needed to set those things aside and start to really focus on my new life. Its still all coming together. Maybe it was today that it hit me. No one goes into exchange fully prepared, but now I am.
I am excited for what is to come. New school, new friends, new places, new experiences. I am truly excited. Thankful.
So instead of explaining the exact details of all the things I’m going to improve on, I’ll just sum it up. I had a purpose to go on exchange a reason, or it wouldn’t of worked out. So with some advice from people at home, a few last calls, and one more blog post before school starts. I´ve made yet another decision. To focus on what´s in front of me. To focus on the language and a new country. To not be afraid. To know that this is going to be the best year of my life, if I can make it be. And to not let go of my life before, but to keep it with me and use it as a motive and strength to move on. Because like I was told many times before I left, you can’t live in two worlds at once.
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