From January 27 to 29, 2023 all exchange students were invited to Třebíč. We left Pilsen on Friday at 10am, to arrive around 3pm. We had dinner after the arrival of all the inbounds, and then the dreaded language test took place until 11pm. Saturday morning, we left the hotel at 8 am. Throughout the morning, we visited the Jewish quarter of the city, starting with the synagogue. It was really cold, but very interesting and, on the way, we enjoyed some beautiful views of the city.
After lunch, we visited the Basilica of St. Procopius. Then, we walked to the bowling alley where we played, in teams of 8, for 2 hours. It was a very good moment, during which I could talk with people I had not spoken to yet. It was really great and our team finished 3rd out of 8! After dinner, the Rotex prepared the room for the talent show. This show was in fact a training for the real show that we will have to do at the district conference in May.
To conclude, it was a great weekend, and I can’t wait to see them all again in March during our ski week!
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Ahoj! I’m Célia, I’m 17 y.o and I come from France.
I like doing sport, I love board games and escape game.
I’m very close to animals, I have two dogs, a horse and hens.