Ahoj, jmenuju se Jared a já jsem americký výměnný student. There. Hope you guys enjoyed some of my terrible partially Google-translated broken Czech.
Anyway, I should probably introduce myself v angličtině for all my non Czech-speaking homies out there. Hi, my name is Jared and I’m going to be spending my junior year abroad in the Czech Republic (Czechia) as an exchange student with Rotary Youth Exchange. Someday I’ll do a post and/or a video about how I applied to this program in an effort to assist future exchange students, but long story short, back in August 2016 I contacted my local Rotary club in New Jersey and asked them about the exchange program. I filled out the application and all of the paperwork that they sent me, and the Rotarians were super helpful during this process. In December, I had a Skype interview with the Youth Exchange chair of my Rotary district (District 7470 represent) and I found out later that night that I was accepted into the program!
More from Jared: