Kosice is beautiful, fun, and has amazing people. My life has been changed in so many ways! I’ve learned so much, a few of the most important things I’ve learned are budgeting, time management, planning ahead, and how to make goals and keep my mind set to them. Here is my life is my city:
My favorite places include, but are not limited to the parks on Hlavná where you can see the beautiful St. Elisabeth’s cathedral, čavango a tea house with comfy seats and a bunch of teas to try from all over the world and the bus rides to my house when you can see the whole city. Haileys, salad box, and grange are the best places to go for some amazing food. The forest by my house is a great sunset and exploring spot. I’m finding new amazing places every day, but I’m really going to miss these places when I go back home.
There are many responsibilities that come with living as an exchange student. Many of those obligations are very similar to my responsibilities back home, study, do school work and presentations. Rotary also gives me the responsibility to be an ambassador for my country, and go to rotary meetings. Me, I need to make sure I’m healthy and clean, by buying things like shampoo and making sure I’m eating healthy. I also need to pay for my phone bill, and public transportation each month so I can communicate in emergencies and make sure I don’t get tickets.
Outside of school and serious priorities, I spend time with my friends and I like to explore, a way to have fun and not spend money. We go around the parts of the city we’ve never been to, once me and Carissa went and explored Obi, which is a lot like a US Home Depot! My friends and I go and find fun wall art or go to new parks. What I love is that the adventure never ends!
I know my life would be so different if I was in any other city. Different friends, different lessons learned, a whole different me. I wouldn’t want to change where my second home is. I love my city, and the life I have in it.