On January 26th, 6 exchange students and I left the Ostrava-Svinov train station towards Třebíc, a small city but full of history. We left in the early afternoon and went to Brno, our connection. The trip to Brno was wonderful, it was a peaceful 2 hours and very well spent.

Furthermore, I met a couple and another lady who were interested in knowing about the program and what a Brazilian, Argentine, Colombian, Australian and 3 Americans were doing in the Czech Republic and why we were traveling to Třebíč. I can say that I was very proud of myself, because they didn’t know English so I only had to talk in Czech (and I did well haha). After arriving in Brno we waited a while to catch the next train, about 30 minutes (which allowed us to find somewhere to buy food). After catching the last train, we had another 2 hours to reach the final location.

Friends and Czech tests

When we arrived at the hotel where the event was taking place, I just dropped my bags and ran to hug and talk to my friends. It’s incredible how an exchange can open doors to so many good things and so many friendships. Anyway, I talked to my friends and went to my room to put my bags.

After all the exchange students arrived, we had dinner and talked a lot more. And finally, we did what everyone dreaded: THE CZECH TEST! Yes, everyone was very nervous, but that’s okay because it was the last one we were going to take (the test was oral and written).

Sightseeing in Třebíč

On the second day, we woke up early and went to discover more about this charming city that is Třebíč. We had a guide who helped us a lot, telling us several interesting historical facts; the places we visited throughout the second day were: Židovská Čtvrť, a synagogue, Třebíč Cheteu, an incredible place (the feeling of being there is unforgettable), Zámek among other parts that are very beautiful.

Simply put, we spent the whole afternoon touring Třebíč (and I don’t regret it one bit, you can really enjoy the beauty of the place). After that, we went bowling; We spent about 2 hours playing, I confess that I’m horrible, but what matters is the intention, right? Hahahah


Altar in St. Procopius Basilica in Třebíč

Třebíč square

Inbounds have talents!

We finished bowling and returned to the hotel; Before we ended the night we had a talent show, that’s right! Each group of students had to prepare something, be it a dance, music… We Brazilians, as always, rocked dancing to a mix of songs that are famous all over the world, so to speak. We did a dance (which I consider perfect hahah) and came in 2nd place. Finally, at night, we received the results of the Czech/Slovak test.

Bowling with friends

Talent show

And, on Sunday, the last day, we just had coffee and said goodbye once again. Orientation for exchange students is something that stays in my memory, I want to thank my friends who will forever be kept in my heart, Rotex who is wonderful and super nice to us all, and, of course, Rotary in general and my wonderful district 2240.

The Brazilians

Inbounds of District 2240

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