The first meeting for our new inbounds
Every new Rotary year marks the arrival of foreign Exchange students to our district. This year was no exception, and the number of students that are going to spend their school year in Czechia and Slovakia reached almost one hundred.
We welcomed the newly arrived students, also called inbounds, at their first Orientation meeting in Trenčín during the days 22. – 24. 9. 2017. The meeting was organized by the members of the District Youth Exchange Committee with the help of Rotex members. The goal of the meeting was to introduce our district to the students, and acquaint them with the rules that they are obliged to follow in order to successfully get through the upcoming year.
On Friday evening, the opening ceremony took place. It was followed up by introductory games and activities for the students. They were all very enthusiastic, and engaged in the games without hesitation. As a result, many of them had already made new friends by the end of the night.
Saturday morning was focused on presentations about the rules of the exchange year, and the topic of cultural shock was introduced. The countries Czechia and Slovakia were also presented to the students. The inbounds were paying attention closely, and asked many useful questions. In the afternoon, we visited the Trenčín castle. The walk was a success despite the cloudy weather, and students had a chance to admire the beauty of the Slovak landscape. There was also a YEO meeting that took place on the same day in Trenčín. The goal of that meeting was to share the plans and changes in the exchange programs with the club members.
The end of the meeting was on Sunday morning after the last two presentations for the students were finished. The inbounds were all sad to leave, but they didn´t have to say goodbye to each other for long because their next meeting is going to happen in December in Prague and Bratislava. There were no problems during the weekend, and so we thank the members of RC Trenčín, the members of the District Youth Exchange Committee and also Rotex members for all of their help.
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