My time with the Reičan’s has come to a close. They have treated me exceptionally well, and I will be extremely sad to leave them. But, as was agreed upon before my arrival here, I will be moving on to my second host family; the Žilinskýs.
I am currently writing this in the comfort of my brand new home, but I will begin my story today with last night. I woke up in the morning feeling a bit sad, if I am being perfectly honest. As many gripes I had about my first host family, they still were that to me: family. I spent the day packing my things, and I soon began to realise just how much stuff I had come to acquire in the last four months. When I had arrived in Slovakia, I had only the suitcase in my hand and the backpack on my back. Now, I had an entire cars worth of things. I am a little worried about having to find a way to get all this home.
The rest of the day went by too quickly, and in the evening Sofi, her friend and I all went and played a board game, savoring the last few hours that we would be together. As we finished up a game similar to Trouble, the doorbell rang. My new family came in, with Nicole as well. My new host family made their way into the living room, and while they were doing that Sofi and I gave Nicole a tour of the apartment. Funny enough, it wasn’t until this tour concluded, that it really set in that I was going away from my home. After living in the center of Banska Bystrica for the past 4 months, I had grown quite attached to the small apartment. I was sad to see it go.
Once the formalities had come to a close, we packed my things into the back of my new host dads car, and set off to my new home. At this time, the sun was down, and the moon was hidden by a few layers of clouds, so there was only pitch black. I had roughly seen the outside of the house before when I had been with Nicole, but never had I had a good full look at the outside. And with that being said, I still haven’t: the weather is quite poor today so I don’t want to risk going outside with my camera.
When we arrived home, we were greeted at the front gate by my new friend Becky, the Žilinskýs traditional hunting dog as they say. As far as I am concerned, she is just a cute new friend. After a few months of living with Toby and Jessy, the dogs at the Reičan’s, I am quite used to dogs now. After making it inside and dawning my borrowed slippers, we went upstairs and they had shown me my new room. At first I was completely blow away, for many reasons. Firstly, it is a gigantic room, more than enough for a little man like me. Secondly, the router was on my desk. This might not seem like something all too important, but to me this was a major breakthrough. Maybe I shouldn’t say that the second most important thing at my new house is that the router is in such close proximity to me, but after months of having bipolar internet, it was like a warm blanket of relief.
We spent the rest of the night watching the movie The Fate of the Furious together (with English subtitles thankfully), and then we went off to bed. When I woke up this morning, my host dad had already left for his work in Bratislava, and my host mom was watching TV. My new host sister is currently away from home, playing basketball in Poland I am told. Once everyone is together, I will do a true introduction on here, and take some pictures. But until then, thanks for reading!
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