This past weekend I went to Großer Arber for a RYLA event. RYLA stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. We spent the whole weekend in a cabin at the top of the mountain. The RYLA was about…
Etika a morálka státu, společnosti a ekonomiky v době umělé inteligence a modifikace DNA
Ethics and morality of the state, society and economy in the age of artificial intelligence and DNA modification.
I was there along with three other exchange students from the Czech Republic, and an exchange student in Germany. There were also many other people from Germany who attended and a few others from the Czech Republic.
All the food we had was amazing! Each dinner and lunch we ordered something different and I cant decide which one my favourite was!
All the lectures were extremely interesting and easy to follow along. We had a lot of open discussions and it was interesting to hear what other people thought about the topic. We learned a lot about ethics and morality this weekend and I plan to use what I´ve learned my whole life. Everything we do is connected and has an impact on our world. With technology growing its raising new very complicated ethical questions that people are trying to answer.
“What is good and what is bad?” this one is not a new question. This is a question we have been trying to anwser for as long as we have been here. Are you sure something is truly good or could it actually have negative repercussions, and maybe what you think is bad has had a positive affecte on something else.
This is one of the best weekend I have had here! I hope to see all of these wonderfull people again! Rotary never stops amazing me with everything they do and I am so glad I get to be apart of it!
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