Hello, and welcome back to my rotary blog. I cannot wait to take you on an underwhelming adventure, without digression or deviance (redundant adjectives). I am trying to keep my prose neat and tidy this time. The dress code for this blog is formal; And the reason: a certain sister of mine offered her dismay in my writing, it being difficult to follow. I guess I can understand. My blogs are slightly… what’s a good word for it.. Scattered! Inattentive! (that’s two words). Some would say ADD, but clearly I’m above that. Or am I, considering I wasn’t able to restrain myself from mentioning it just now? Clearly I am already failing to keep this introduction up to the bar of immaculation I just promised, but I’m doing my best.
What would I consider doing my best? Well, today the introduction is going to have a thesis. Can you believe that? That must mean I’m actually going to follow a form, and it will be clear what will be covered in the following paragraphs, and I can even come full circle and connect a witty conclusion to complement the message of the intro. Well, that’s a dream. But let’s just say dreams come true, for the optimists. In my dream blog, we cover my first Rotary orientation meeting, my first birthday away from my doting parents, and my current struggles with the Slovak language. How ‘bout that for a thesis? My initial thoughts are it’s too obvious that it’s a thesis. I mean, I basically just stated the three main topics outright; Where’s the seamlessly beautiful thesis that only registers with the subconscious, rendering the reader pleasantly surprised when they thought they predicted what was to come next? Where is that odd and unrealistic type of thesis that might not even exist? Who knows. Also, I said, “how ‘bout that for a thesis” right after, so take away some more points for lack of subtlety. Whatever. My final thoughts are that it’s too obvious a thesis, but I’m not going to change it. This is the end of paragraph oneperiod
So, who’s on board with the whole written-period thing? Oh, no one? Yeah, me neither, haha that was just a joke, haha. Besides, we have more pressing (and formal) matters to discuss -like a Rotary orientation meeting in Trencin, for example. Let’s get formal wit it.
My first Rotary meeting with every exchange student from Slovakia and the Czech Republic was wild ride, to say the least. So many kids trying to make new friends as quickly as possible. So many exchange students with friendships already formed simply from sharing a host city with one another; A connection I cannot relate to, being a lone wolf here in Nove Zamky. Also, so many Brazilians dancing -in the halls, on the stage, outside the cafeteria, anywhere. Name a place in the orientation building, which was an old boarding school, and it’s been danced on by Brazilians. So many Rotex, local ex-exchange students, yelling and shushing at a rambunctious melting pot of 94 exchange students. What a fruitless effort that was. I truly felt bad for the rotex as they tried to take on what is, as they should know from their own rotary experiences, an untameable beast. No matter the number of shushes, no matter the aggression of the shush, we exchange students couldn’t manage to get our decibel levels where rotex wanted them. The expectation, unfortunately, was a quite on par with that one house on the night before christmas; You know, the one where no one was stirring, not even a mouse. Sure, rotex might have wanted that quiet, that stillness in the air, but it never came.
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