I decided today, August 25th, was a good day to uproot my entire life to the Czech Republic.
6:49 A.M. Flight one
Confession time… I was having the hardest time buckling my seat belt, so the man next to me asked if I needed help. I said, “Please! It’s my first time flying.” It’s not my first time flying…In fact, I’ve flown more than once; I’m just bad at doing stuff. And I was too embarrassed to admit. Hopefully he doesn’t look over and see me typing this LOL. Saying goodbye to my family was very very hard. They are my people, my favorite people. I tried not to cry when we parted ways but I slipped a few tears. Each family member wrote me a letter. I just finished reading them. Sniffles and an overflow of tears came my way. It’s so loud on planes, I’m sure no one heard me, but WOW I’m an emotional wreck. I can’t wait to see what this year holds for me, but there’s no few I’ll miss more than my family.
1:54 P.M. Flight two
An hour into boarding and we still hadn’t moved. Tired, bored faces were imprinted on everyone as we waited to take off. After a bit of time, the pilot announced that something was wrong with the plane and that they had to fix it…not frightening at all right?! JK it was just some machinery that needed to fix the water system. After departing the plane and waiting 2 more hours, we’re finally boarded and in flight! After dozing off (and probably talking in my sleep) for a bit, I am now sitting comfortably on Delta Airlines, while munching on some gummy bears (Thanks, Troy!). Also, this older man across the isle is laughing hysterically at the movie he is watching and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Time to read…
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