To start off, my life lately has been quite hectic! Therefore have not had a lot of time to sit down and work on my blog. (And by this, I mean that I actually forgot that I had a blog for a while…) But besides the point, let me catch you all up on what my life has been like here since the Košice Peace marathon (see last post).
Most of my days I have spent with my friends – wether it’s going exploring, taking pictures, or getting some good food. One of the first things I did after the marathon was do some exploring with Amelia around the areas that we live. Near her house, we walked uphill to a piece of open land with a really beautiful view of the city. The first time we went there, we took her dog with us. And the second time, we took our friends to show them. We like to call it “our spot” because we enjoy going there to simply relax, talk, and clear our minds.
After our long day, we did some food shopping. And by food shopping, I mean junk food shopping. The three of us went to lots of different food stores to buy chocolate, chips, candy, and marshmallows. Afterall, it was girls weekend! When we got back to Veronica’s house in the late afternoon, we prepared the relax house to sleep. (The relax house is another small house on the property where she lives). After this, we had a fire! It was so nice to sit, relax, and cook some marshmallows on the fire. And one of our friends told us that a typical thing for Slovaks to do is jump over fires. So of course, Amelia and I tried it! When Amelia went, the fire was quite big. But when I went, it was starting to burn out, so it wasn’t as cool. But overall, it was very fun.
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Hello! My name is Carissa Plut, I’m 16 years old, and I am an exchange student from Blairstown, New Jersey, USA currently staying in Košice, Slovakia!